New Build and Regeneration


Hounslow Homes agreed a development partnership deal with Lovell and United House/A2 Dominion Housing Group. The partners were chosen following competitive tender to deliver Hounslow Homes’s aspiration for 1,000 new affordable homes in the Borough.

To date, new build partnerships between the London Borough of Hounslow, Hounslow Homes and partner contractors have delivered 254 new homes in the borough. Our target is for 2220 new homes to be built or be in progress in Hounslow by 2014.

The first project, a £7.5 m scheme in Convent Way where Hounslow Homes is the landlord, was completed in December 2010. 49 houses and flats were built in partnership with Lovell. The first phase of the project delivered 15 affordable rented house and 4 shared ownership houses. The rented homes are all 3 and 4 beds and will relieve local overcrowding in the Borough.

Another completed project is in Beavers Lane and consists of 64 affordable rented properties, 30 shared ownership and 96 private sales units in partnership with United House/A2DHG. The scheme involved the demolition of some blocks and the provision of more suitable, modern and fuel efficient accommodation for residents.

Other new build opportunities in progress include renewal of six sites in the Heston area. The sites have been earmarked for development and regeneration and the first phase began in November 2012 on the Passingham House site.

Work will begin in January 2013 on Manor Lane Estate in Feltham, which replaces existing unsuitable accommodation with modern units, increases the number of affordable rented homes and regenerates an unused park area for the local community.

Tim Keogh, Director of Property Services at Hounslow Homes said, “Hounslow Homes are delighted to see these projects underway and look forward to working with our partners Lovell and United House.”

A council member added “We have a great shortage of affordable family sized homes in Hounslow and while this move will not eradicate that problem, it is an enormous step in the right direction.”


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