Hounslow Homes Staff Awards

Do you know of a Hounslow Homes employee or team that has made a difference to your life or exceeded their day to day role? If so, please nominate them for the Hounslow Homes Staff Awards.


Individual employees or staff teams can be nominated on the basis of providing services that:

  • are above and beyond the normal requirements of the job
  • have made a real difference to you
  • have provided innovative ideas

How will nominees be chosen?

A panel of judges including senior managers will judge each nomination on a quarterly basis. Judges may need to contact the person nominating for further information so please remember to include your name and contact details on the nomination form.

How do I nominate a person or team?

Download an application form and return it to us at St Catherine's House, 2 Hanworth Road, Feltham, Middlesex TW14 5AB or hand it in to your local housing reception.