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Major Works

If you are a leaseholder with the London Borough of Hounslow, you are liable to pay a proportion of the costs of maintaining and improving the block and/or estate where your flat is situated. These works can be small-scale repairs (such as renewing a light bulb in the communal stairwell of your block, or large-scale works (such as renewing your windows or the roof of your block).

There are special rules about how we deal with major works. These rules are extensive and further information and how we operate within these rules can be found in the relevant section of the Leaseholders’ Handbook.

Who to Contact about Major Works

The Tenant Liaison Officer

The Tenants Liaison Officer (TLO) works within the Area Housing Teams and is familiar with works programmes and will normally carry our informal consultation with all residents (both tenants and leaseholders). This is often in addition to any consultation notices issued by the Home Ownership Unit.

The TLO is also a useful contact for all residents whilst the works are being carried out. They have a direct link with the works manager and the contractor, and can therefore address concerns that might arise.

By telephone:

If your property is in Feltham, Hanworth or Bedfont: 020 8583 4383

If your property is in Hounslow, Heston, Cranford or Isleworth: 020 8583 4382

If your property is in Brentford or Chiswick: 020 8583 4220

alternatively, contact the Customer Service Centre on 0800 085 65 75

The Major Works team of the Home Ownership Unit:

We issue consultation notices where the estimated cost of the works is likely to result in a contribution from affected leaseholders of more than £250.00. Therefore, you can contact the Major Works team with concerns you might have about liability to contribute or your contribution.

You can also contact the Major Works team if you have concerns about the standard of works whilst the works are taking place.

By telephone:020 8583 4003/4005/3968/4415

In person by appointment at: St. Catherine's House, 2 Hanworth Road, Feltham, TW13 5AB

By e-mail:

You can also get more information from the following leaflets:

Major Works Service Standards

Major Works Projects - Consultations and communication with residents