How to report ASB

You can report anti-social behaviour and race crime to our specialist teams through one of the following ways:

visit your local housing office

and speak to an ASB Officer in person(and in a private interview room if you wish). If you are disabled or vulnerable we may be able to visit you at home. Please contact the Customer Service Centre on 0800 085 65 75 for more information.

Write a letter to the ASB and Tenancy Team , The Langdale Centre, 240 Summerwood Road, Isleworth, TW7 7QN

We are unable to act on anonymous reports. To get the right results tenant involvement is vital to provide information such as statements and diary sheets. Information given is then used as evidence if we take a case to court.

If you have given a statement, we can keep your details anonymous, however, the courts do not take these statements as seriously as those with the reporting persons details.

Please speak to an ASB Officer if you have any concerns about making a statement.

Other ways to report ASB

Anti social behaviour can also be reported to the Police. If you contact the police, ask for a reference number, the name of the person you spoke to and pass this information to us.

Emergency: 999

General Contact number 0300 123 1212

Safer Neighbourhood Teams - There are teams covering all of Hounslow borough, see Safer Neighbourhood Teams for more information.

Race Crime

If you suffer from or see a racially motivated incident you can report this to your local housing office. Support is also available through the Hounslow Racial Equality Council on 020 8 583 2525/4665. You can also contact the Police direct.

Noise Nuisance

If you need to report noise nuisance you can contact the London Borough of Hounslow's Noise Team on 020 8583 5555 during office hours, or 020 8583 2222 if the problem occurs between 10pm and 4am on a Friday or Saturday.

Dogs or other animals

Problems with dogs or other animals can be reported to the Animal Warden on 020 8583 5086