Bernadette's blog

It is true that so much can happen in such a short period of time! Since I last wrote we have seen the arrival of a new coalition Government; we have a new Labour Council with a new Lead member for housing Cllr Ruth Cadbury; we have a new Conservative MP in the Brentford Chiswick constituency Mary Macleod and various changes in the senior managers over in the Council including an interim CE Michael Frates and Alison Simmons the new Head of Housing Services.

So what does this all mean for Hounslow Homes? Well I think it should all be positive. The Government is facing big challenges but has already indicated that it wants to continue with the review of the Housing Revenue Account. At the local level the new Council has a manifesto commitment to developing 2,500 new affordable homes and Cllr Cadbury said on the 21st May that they are commited to Council housing and the ongoing success of the Council's housing company.

I don't think this means we can afford be complacent, in fact quite the opposite. Now is the time to really show the Council how committed we are to excellence and being the provider of choice.

Of course I know that excellence is delivered every day by us in Hounslow Homes. Here are some examples from my own experience in the last two weeks:

  • Attending the 'Better Together Event' that attracted an huge audience of our residents from every section of the community for a day of debate, entertainment, lunch, advice and information. It also included very popular health screening.Recent visits, with LBH colleagues, to nine sheltered housing units where we were shown around by wonderful staff, in buildings that were clean, bright, well maintained and welcoming.
  • Conversations with new Councillors where they mentioned the support they had received from Hounslow Homes staff in dealing with enquries and their very positive impression of our estates.
  • Letters and emails from our residents, Councillors and relatives praising the work of named individuals in the company who have gone out of their way to deliver an excellent service.
  • Celebrating the lifetime of service to the tenants movement by Alf Chandler as a finalist in the 'Inside Housing' annual awards for Board Member of the Year.
  • Driving around the borough visiting estates that look clean, well maintained, safe and secure.


Bernadette O'Shea

Chief Executive

Hounslow Homes

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