Getting Involved

Hounslow Homes in partnership with Hounslow's Federation of Tenants and Residents Associations and the London Borough of Hounslow wants to support you in having a say in how your home and community is managed.

To find out about tenant participation, see the information below:

Hounslow Tenants' Compact

Roadmap to involvement and partnership

(full details of the tenants' compact)

Tenants' Handbook

Your guide to housing services from Hounslow Homes

(summary of the tenants' compact)

It explains how your role need not involve stuffy meetings; the choice is up to you!

A range of opportunities are available to you ranging that include:

  • Participating in local forums and committees
  • Joining a local resident or tenant group
  • Taking part in customer surveys, consultations and focus groups
  • Standing as a Hounslow Homes board member
  • Take the time to look through the new Compact that aims to help you to make a difference to your community.

Residents Panel

We need you to tell us how you think we are doing and what you would like to see us improve. You can do this by joining our residents panel.

Resident Panel Recruitment Questionnaire

If you wish to be considered as a member of Hounslow Homes Residents Panel please complete and return this questionnaire.